SRK was referring to Karan Johar’s My Name Is Khan in which Sidharth worked as an assistant director. Meanwhile, Jawan is directed by Atlee Kumar and produced by Gauri Khan under Red Chillies Entertainment. The film stars Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra, Sunil Grover and Deepika Padukone (in a special appearance). Jawan was released theatrically on September 7 in Hindi and dubbed Tamil and Telugu versions. It received the biggest opening for any Bollywood film in history. Recently, Karan Johar also took to social media to praise the film along with its cast and crew. He wrote, “OMFG!!!!! I am late to this party!!!! But what a party this is!!!! @atlee47 hits it out of the stadium… it’s the kind of adrenalin rush film with big emotion that Indian cinema embodies and this film perfects!!!! Was blown away by the cinematic audacity of each frame!!!!”
After Jawan, SRK will be seen in Rajkumar Hirani’s comedy-drama Dunki, co-starring Taapsee Pannu. The film will be released during the Christmas week of December.
Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan was one of the most anticipated films of this year. Upon release, the film met with glorious critical response and major commercial success. Pictures and videos of people dancing inside the theatres started doing the rounds. Since then, several Bollywood celebrities have praised the film and now Sidharth Malhotra has joined the list.
Sidharth Malhotra praises Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan
Today on September 14th, Sidharth Malhotra took to X (formerly Twitter) to shower praises on Shah Rukh Khan’s action thriller film Jawan. The actor shared his experience of watching the film in a packed theatre. He tweeted, “Packed theatre with clapping and whistle sounds, enjoyed the festive atmosphere while watching @iamsrk sir do his magic. Big congratulations to sir, @Atlee_dir, #Nayanthara, @VijaySethuOffl, @deepikapadukone, and the entire #Jawan team!”
Packed theatre with clapping and whistle sounds, enjoyed the festive atmosphere while watching @iamsrk sir do his magic. Big congratulations to sir, @Atlee_dir, #Nayanthara, @VijaySethuOffl, @deepikapadukone, and the entire #Jawan team! 🤗
— Sidharth Malhotra (@SidMalhotra) September 14, 2023
Shah Rukh Khan responds to Sidharth Malhotra’s Tweet
Shah Rukh Khan took to the micro-blogging site to respond to Sidharth’s sweet message. He wrote, “Thank u my man…. Happy u enjoyed the film. I know how much u have loved me from the days we worked on My Name is Khan. Big hug!!! Catch up soon…”
Thank u my man…. Happy u enjoyed the film. I know how much u have loved me from the days we worked on My Name is Khan. Big hug!!! Catch up soon…
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 14, 2023
SRK was referring to Karan Johar’s My Name Is Khan in which Sidharth worked as an assistant director. Meanwhile, Jawan is directed by Atlee Kumar and produced by Gauri Khan under Red Chillies Entertainment. The film stars Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra, Sunil Grover and Deepika Padukone (in a special appearance). Jawan was released theatrically on September 7 in Hindi and dubbed Tamil and Telugu versions. It received the biggest opening for any Bollywood film in history. Recently, Karan Johar also took to social media to praise the film along with its cast and crew. He wrote, “OMFG!!!!! I am late to this party!!!! But what a party this is!!!! @atlee47 hits it out of the stadium… it’s the kind of adrenalin rush film with big emotion that Indian cinema embodies and this film perfects!!!! Was blown away by the cinematic audacity of each frame!!!!”
After Jawan, SRK will be seen in Rajkumar Hirani’s comedy-drama Dunki, co-starring Taapsee Pannu. The film will be released during the Christmas week of December.