Shah Rukh Khan’s recently released film Jawan has turned out to be one of the biggest Bollywood hits of this year. The film is the second in line of SRK‘s films this year after Pathaan which came after his five-year absence from the big screen. Now, one of the most talked about aspects of the Atlee directorial is the special appearance by Deepika Padukone in it. She plays the role of Aishwarya Rathore.
Deepika Padukone did Jawan for free
In an interview with The Week, Deepika was asked if she charges money for doing special appearances in films. She said, “No, I don’t.” The actress then added, “I wanted to be a part of 83 because I wanted it to be an ode to women who stand behind their husbands’ glory. I watched my mother do it. This was my homage to wives who make sacrifices to support their husbands’ careers. Other than that, any special appearance for Shah Rukh Khan, I am there. Same with Rohit Shetty.”
Deepika Padukone on her equation with Shah Rukh Khan
In the same interview, she opened up about her equation with Shah Rukh Khan. She said, “We are each other’s lucky charm. But honestly, we are beyond luck. We have a sense of ownership over each other.” The Jawan actress further said, “I am one of the few people he is vulnerable with. There is so much trust and respect, and I think that luck is just the cherry on the top.” Apart from Jawan, the two have worked together on films like Om Shanti Om (her debut film) and Happy New Year as well as cameos in films like Billu and Zero.
Meanwhile, Jawan is directed by Atlee Kumar and produced by Gauri Khan. The film stars Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sunil Grover, Sanya Malhotra, and Priyamani among others. It was released on September 7 and received the biggest opening for a Bollywood film in history.