Shah Rukh Khan led Jawan scored another century day at the worldwide box office on Friday as the numbers are pouring in. Per early estimates, the Atlee directed film grossed Rs. 110 crores globally on its second day, which makes it two consecutive triple-digit gross days for the film. The film was always likely to do the same on Saturday and Sunday, there was a chance of missing on Friday but it ended up comfortably going over the mark
Six 100 crores days for Shah Rukh Khan
Jawan will join the likes of Baahubali 2, RRR, KGF 2 and Pathaan which have multiple Rs. 100 crores plus day. Baahubali 2, KGF 2 and Pathaan has four Rs. 100 crores days while RRR had three. Jawan will match the former three with four days by end of the weekend. Shah Rukh Khan is the only Bollywood star to have century days to his name, full six of them till now, eight by Sunday.
The day two worldwide box office collections of Jawan are as follows:
India: Rs. 64 crores Approx
Overseas: Rs. 46 crores / USD 5.50 million Approx
Worldwide: Rs. 110 crores Approx
Note: These are early estimates, actuals will be posted momentarily.
Jawan Headed for Rs 500 Crores Worldwide in 4 days
After two days, Jawan has collected approximately Rs. 240 crore gross worldwide. The film is expected to breach Rs. 500 crores worldwide gross mark in just four days, a full day faster than Pathaan, which took five days to halfway of Rs. 1000 crores. The year 2023 is turning out to be a memorable one for Khan, with two historic grossers Pathaan and Jawan and then there is Dunki slated to woo audiences this Christmas.