Shah Rukh Khan led Jawan, directed by Atlee Kumar and co-starring Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Deepika Padukone, Sanjay Dutt and others had a terrific conventional first week at the worldwide box office as it collected over Rs 650 crores gross worldwide, with numbers closer to Rs 660 crores. By the time this piece goes live, Jawan will have crossed Gadar 2 to emerge as the second highest grossing Indian film of the year worldwide, only behind Pathaan. The India tally of Jawan after 7 days is around Rs 364 crores nett (Rs 440 crores gross) and the film has mustered another over Rs 215 crores internationally, for a cume of over Rs 655 crores.
Shah Rukh Khan Is Set To Give His Second Rs 1000 Crore Worldwide Grosser With Jawan After Pathaan
Jawan was always expected to be a box office giant but these sort of numbers have taken everyone in the industry by surprise. After Pathaan, SRK in less than 8 months, has delivered yet another historic grosser which is on course to do over Rs 1000 crores worldwide and if lucky, even Rs 1100 crores. The year will be ending with Dunki, which is yet another film with very high expectations pinned on it, primarily because it unites Shah Rukh Khan with the blockbuster director Rajkumar Hirani and also because it is based on a very pertinent social theme of migration.
2023 Is Turning Out To Be One Of The Best Years For The Indian Film Industry
2023 is turning out to be one of the best years for the Indian Film Industry. Pathaan emerged as the highest Hindi film grosser of all time. Gadar 2 and Jawan have both set their eyes on the highest grossing Hindi film title. Few Hindi films like Tiger 3, Animal and Dunki, which are still to release, are also targetting the top spot. There is a new all time grosser in Kollywood with Jailer and Leo seems like the best bet to match or even surpass it. Salaar is the best bet for Tollywood and Sandalwood this year but 2024 looks all the more promising with more potential film releases. Marathi, Punjabi and Gujarati industry are all churning record-breaking films and one would hope that the momentum is kept going foward.
About Jawan
A man, Azad (Shah Rukh Khan), is driven by a personal vendetta to rectify the wrongs in society, while keeping a promise he made to his mother, years ago. He comes up against a monstrous outlaw Kaalee (Vijay Sethupathi), who has caused extreme suffering to many.